Sunday, May 29, 2011


I read Shudder by Jennie Hansen. This book is an LDS Covenant book. You have to know a little about what we believe in to understand why somethings in the book are such a big issue. I must admit that I am somewhat upset with the ending, but mother says that the way it ended means there is a sequel. I certainly hope there is a sequel. I really enjoyed this book.
The plot. The book is about two girls who have literally known each other from preschool; Darcy and Clare. Darcy has a big family, and Clare's father died when she was young and her mother died of a serious illness when Clare was still in high school. Clare was practically a part of Darcy's family her whole life. After they graduated, they went to college together, and then rented an apartment in Boise, Idaho together. Everything is going great until Clare starts dating Blaine. Blaine is no good. Darcy tries to warn her friend, but she is drown out by Blaine. Much to her dismay, Clare and Blaine get married in a church, instead of in a temple like she had always dreamed. Blaine had physically abused Clare since what seemed the beginning of their relationship. Darcy moved in with a invalid woman named Karlene. Things go haywire as there are attempts on Karlene's life; for what, they don't know. Darcy is student teaching at Boise High School, where she meets David. Again in this book there is a bit of a romance. Honestly I would classify this book as a romantic suspense. The plot just thickens from there. I can't tell anymore without giving away the ending.
How I felt. Like I said earlier, I was disappointed with the ending. I really hope there is a sequel. If there is, I want it. I really liked the book. It kept me on my toes the entire time I was reading. One point I got so caught up in the book that I accidentally called it a movie. I started it about 12:30 this morning and I read five chapters. I couldn't even put it down. Not even in church today. When I got home the first thing I did was change out of my dress, then I opened my book and started reading. About lunchtime I came upstairs and my dad told me to make potatoes and gravy for lunch. I did, but as you can imagine I read while I cooked, ate, and even when I had to go to the bathroom. As you can see, I just couldn't put it down. I loved the book.
My recommendation. I definitely would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a good suspense. If you don't know much about the LDS church and their beliefs, talk to a member you may know. Some of the things in this book aren't a big deal in the worlds standards, so it might be hard to understand why they are such a big deal for the characters in the book. I really suggest you read this book. Shudder by Jennie Hansen.

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